Постоянные читатели

Постоянные читатели

воскресенье, 23 июня 2019 г.

Mycro offers many jobs

Mycro is an intuitive mobile App Platform that creates an innovative solution for people with time and money problems and tokenizes the imbalance between time and money. On Mycro platform simple jobs on a short-term basis are posted directly on network for free. Mycro through intelligent and self-learning algorithms known from dating platforms, Mycro matches these jobs just-in-time with the right jobber.
The Mycro Token (MYO) will play an essential role in the decentralized peer-to-peer network "Mycro". The technological basis for this is the Ethereum blockchain.
For this reason, we will create an equilibrium between time and money. We will establish a global and decentral peer-to-peer network for simple jobs. People around the world should choose themselves what they do, when and for whom they work and what their time is worth:

  • Services at home: (Gardening, cleaning, cleaning, shredding, small repairs, window cleaning, laundry, ironing, cooking and so on)
  • Delivery services: (Performing procurement, driving services, transportation services, delivery services and so on)
  • Virtual Services: (Internet research, travel planning, support services, clerical work, online surveys and so on)
  • Professional Services: (tutoring, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, computer setups, TVs, DJs, waiters, internet connection setups and so on.)
  • Trust: Mycro network rating and verification are decentralized. Reliability and reputation are extremely important when people have contact with each other. According to economists, more than 60% of people read the ratings provided by others when shopping online before deciding on a product. The percentage is even higher if the ratings are reliable.
  • Security:
    For unbeatable security there is a Decentralized Escrow Smart Contract
    In the event a job is agreed, both the job provider and the jobber will each receive a personal QR code. The start of the job is marked by the job provider scanning the jobber‘s QR code.
    *Low fees:
    There are no intermediaries. It is our vision to convert Mycro network into a completely decentralised application (dApp) without a central entity or an intermediary company. By eliminating the intermediary, the fees of up to 30% usually charged on other networks no longer have to be paid. Users merely pay 2% for the use of the complete decentralised version of Mycro.

    Phase 01: Structure
    • 07/2017
      Start – Mycro conception
    • 02/2018
      Team & company – Establishment Mycro.Jobs GmbH and development of core teams, development white paper, legal review of token design
    • 05/2018
      MVP – Start development MVP, launch whitelisting website
    • 06/2018
      ICO website online,
      Crowdsale smart contracts are ready
    • Q3/2018
      Private sale for strategic partners with a long-term value for the project
    • Q4/2018
      Pre sale for „early investors“
    • Q4/2018
      Main sale – ICO, procurement of capital for the development of the Mycro network and implementation of the road map
    Phase 02: Expansion
    • Q1/2019
      MYO exchange listing –
      We will work on listing MYO on suitable top exchanges
    • Q1/2019
      Soft launch MVP –
      Local market (Germany)
    • Q3/2019
      National launch –
      The app is to be launched in German cities like Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and in German-speaking cities in Switzerland and Austria.
    • Q1/2020
      European launch –
      The app is to be launched in France, Spain, Sweden, Italy – preferably in Paris, Barcelona, Stockholm and Rom
    • Q4/2020
      Global launch –
      The app is to be launched
      in Asia and the USA
    Phase 03: Decentralisation
    • Q2/2021
      Start decentralisation –
      Step-by-step introduction of decentral management mechanisms
    • Q2/2022
      Full decentralisation –
      Decentralised computer and storage capacities are used in order to operate an independent ecosystem (IPFS, Golem)

Facts & specs:

Symbol: MYO
Softcap: € 3,500,000
Hardcap: € 14,000,000
Token supply: 100,000,000 MYO
Private sale: 26,000,000 MYO
Main sale: 40,000,000 MYO
Blockchain specs: ERC20 Token
Participation method: ETH

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